Past Lives (2023)

Written for RAF News Sept 2023

Korean immigrant Nora (Greta Lee) has set up a life for herself in New York: a career, an apartment and a loving husband, but the sudden reappearance of her childhood sweetheart reminds of a deep connection to a time and place that she had left behind.

What might appear as a typical, contentious romantic drama with two suitors competing for the affection of the same woman, Past Lives is told with great realism and tenderness. There are no villains in this film other than circumstance.

Nora had moved from Seoul as a child, leaving Hae Sung (Teo Yoo) with whom she had become incredibly smitten, walking home hand in hand from school every day, their affection was innocent and uncomplicated.

12 years later and now an aspiring playwright, Nora scans social media for her old friend on a whim, discovering a message that he had sent in search of her. This reignites their bond, deepened now by maturity, but anchored to memory and nostalgia.

The interactions feel genuine, seeking to connect rather than impress or woo, their conversations are deeply heartening to witness. At this point in their lives, Korea and North America respectively, they are unable to travel and so communication is limited to patchy Skype calls. This is until Nora finally makes the decision to stop talking, feeling that the distance is too painful, and afraid of throwing away all that she has worked for to travel back to her home country.

Another 12 years later Hae Sung arrives in New York to visit Nora And her now husband (John Magaro). There is no cunning or covetous plan; all three people are aware of their situation, and in fact treat it with great emotional intelligence, but this doesn’t make the ordeal any less difficult.

Past Lives is a simple and realistic romance that is incredibly tender and heartbreaking.

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